the colour
of motherhood

City Centre

City Centre wanted to become the preferred destination to celebrate Mother's day. Instead of taking a promotional approach, we decided to leverage the brand and generate PR by celebrating all the Mothers in the MENA region. Unlike other celebrations, Mother's day doesn't have a colour to represent it. We decided to find the first colour to embody all the different meanings of being a mother: The Color of Motherhood.

We installed booths to ask our customers to express their feelings towards Motherhood. Using an algorithm, we analysed the words used and translated them into colours. After gathering and sorting the data, we got a final colour certified by Pantone Color Institute.

City Centre The Colour of motherhood
City Centre The Colour of motherhood
City Centre The Colour of motherhood
City Centre The Colour of motherhood


MullenLowe MENA

City Centre

Creative Direction
Alfonso Arbós

Filipe De Carvalho

Silvia Carreño
Maricel Candido